Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ethical Issues in Research Essay Example for Free

Ethical Issues in Research Essay Ethical issues are essential factors that must be given due and proper consideration in research. This becomes even more applicable when researchers deal with studies that involve human beings and animals. Numerous experiments are being made to achieve progress in various fields of discipline, including psychology. In doing so, human beings and animals must be protected, especially since using them in these experiments involves their well-being. For this reason, ethical standards are established. Ethical standards serve as the guidelines that govern the proper and improper participation and utilization of these life forms in research (University of Alberta, 2008). These standards ensure that studies which involve human beings and animals are subjected to limitations so that they would not be taken advantage of. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) (2008), ethical guidelines give importance to respecting an individual as the researchers should not express any sign of prejudice toward the participants due to differences in racial descent, sexuality, language, and such. The privacy of the participants should also be respected. Thus, researchers must only acquire the personal information necessary for the study, and this information must be kept confidential. The researchers should also obtain the consent of the individuals who will participate in the study. During the study itself, participants should also be protected from any kind of harm, may it be psychological (e. g. , stress and anxiety) or physical. Moreover, the researchers also have to respect the participant’s right to leave an experiment any time that he or she wishes to. In another perspective, ethics tend to limit the advancement of psychological science. Since there are many guidelines and rules that have to be followed, researchers do not have full control over their participants. This sometimes hinders and impedes the experimentation process. Furthermore, obtaining the necessary license for this kind of research could be time-consuming, which can be used for the study itself (BPS, 2008). Scientists should accept and follow the limitations brought about by ethical guidelines because these guidelines only give due importance to the life of the participants. The main justification for these research studies is that the findings obtained from these would contribute to the knowledge and information on various fields of discipline and help improve the lives of individuals. This gives such studies an objective that is morally good (National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Hence, scientists should value the lives of the people they claim to help. Lastly, the one responsible in identifying the parameters of the participants’ protection are competent organizations that are familiar with the field of study being researched. In the case of the United States, the American Psychological Association (APA) (2008) is an organization that represents the psychologists in the U. S. APA (2008) implements an ethics code that every member of the organization must adhere to. References American Psychological Association. (2008). APA Ethics Office. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. apa. org/ethics/.British Psychological Society. (2008). Ethics. Scienceaid. co. uk. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://scienceaid. co. uk/psychology/approaches/ethics. html. National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Scientific and ethical justification for using animals in research. Online Ethics Center for Engineering. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. onlineethics. org/cms/16216. aspx. University of Alberta. (2008). Human Ethics, Biohazards, and Animal Welfare. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. rso. ualberta. ca/certification. cfm.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Othello’s Diversity of Imagery Essay -- Othello essays

Othello’s Diversity of Imagery  Ã‚        Ã‚   The diverse imagery found in Shakespeare’s drama Othello represents a world all by itself. And this world of imagery contributes to the prevailing sentiment of pain and suffering and unpleasantness.    There is no shortage of imagery in the play; this is for certain. Critic Caroline Spurgeon in â€Å"Shakespeare’s Imagery and What it Tells Us† sorts through the plethora of imagery in the play:    The main image in Othello is that of animals in action, preying upon one another, mischievous, lascivious, cruel or suffering, and through these, the general sense of pain and unpleasantness is much increased and kept constantly before us. More than half the animal images in the play are Iago’s, and all these are contemptuous or repellent: a plague of flies, a quarrelsome dog, the recurrent image of bird-snaring, leading asses by the nose, a spider catching a fly, beating an offenceless dog, wild cats, wolves, goats and monkeys. To these Othello adds his pictures of foul toads breeding in a cistern, summer flies in the shambles, the ill-boding raven over the infected house, a toad in a dungeon, the monster ‘too hideous to be shown,’ bird-snaring again, aspics’ tongues, crocodiles’ tears, and his reiteration of goats and monkeys.’ In addition, [. . .] . (79)    The play’s imagery is oftentimes reflective of the fortunes of the protagonist. As the Moor’s status declines, the quality of the imagery in the play declines. In The Riverside Shakespeare Frank Kermode explains the relationship between imagery and Othello’s jealousy:    It is very important to see that Othello’s self-estimate – â€Å"one not easily jealious, but, being wrought, / Perplexed in the extreme† (V.ii.345-... ...rizona Quarterly (Spring 1956), pp.5-16.    Kermode, Frank. â€Å"Othello, the Moor of Venice.† The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.    Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.    Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Spurgeon, Caroline. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Imagery and What it Tells Us.† Shakespearean Tragedy. Ed. D. F. Bratchell. New York: Routledge, 1990.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.            

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What Can African Americans Do to Become More Marketable?

What can African Americans do to become more marketable in this economy? The average African Americans have by far been significantly unmarketable in comparison to their Average Caucasian counterparts. However, it should be mentioned that there are some African Americans who are also very marketable in our society. These few successful and marketable African Americans know and apply key principles in marketing themselves. This is the difference that separates the unmarketable and marketable African American.However, there are ways for the unmarketable African Americans to become more marketable in the global economy. In this essay, I will only be discussing seven of those major ways. African Americans can become more marketable if they: develop a highly impressive resume; prepare to participate in the global economy; become technologically savvy; are flexible in job expectations; improve on interview skills; network wisely; and improve on his or her interview skills.The first thing t hat African Americans who want to become more marketable should do is attend college or university and study a challenging major. This is because it is important to have at least a Bachelors degree in order to get a meaningful job that will bring any kind of success to ones life. After attending University; one should develop a highly impressive resume. An impressive resume that documents evidence of academic excellence, demonstrated leadership, well developed social skills, and personal initiative will definitely get the attention of corporate recruiters and hiring managers.It is also important to participate in the global economy. One can do this by becoming familiar with another language. Becoming familiar with at least one of the major languages that are involved in international commerce such as: Japanese, Spanish, or Chinese; is enough to put one head and shoulders above his or her peers. One should also try to become more technologically savvy because the advancements in Info rmation Technology affect almost every academic and occupational profession.In order to become more technologically savvy, one should try to take a few computer or internet-related courses and also read professional journals in his or her field that has a technological slant. African Americans should also try not to limit him or herself by having predetermined notions about the size of the company that they want to work for or their exact job title or starting salary.This is because in doing so employers may not be very welcoming. To be as marketable as possible an African American should indicate to prospective employers that they are flexible to employment and career advancement. In order to be marketable African Americans should also improve on interviewing skills. This can be done by reading books and articles on interviewing and also by attending career placement office tutorials and work shops on interviewing.Another way to work on interviewing skills is to role play with some one and have them videotape the session. It is also of utmost importance for African Americans who want to become more marketable network wisely and mentor with someone successful in his or her career field. Professional networking can afford an individual to meet successful professionals in his or her field that can alert him or her to what’s available in the hidden job market of which he or she may not have otherwise known about.Networking is also important because the more people who know about ones career interest and can speak favorably of him or her, the more desirable he or she will be to other prospective employers. African Americans should mentor with someone successful in his or her field, this is because it is career enhancing to mentor with someone who has achieved distinction in the African American’s academic/occupational field and is willing to offer career guidance and support. A well connected mentor can sponsor his or her membership in one or more pre stigious organizations.Listing these associations on ones resume can enhance his or her written credentials and give him or her a bit of a competitive edge in job hunting. In conclusion, the average African American can become more marketable if he or she is willing to learn and practice the ways that the marketable use to become more marketable. These ways/principles are quite easy to follow and anyone can implement them. However, one needs to be dedicated, ambitious, and hard-working in his or her endeavors.

Monday, January 6, 2020

British Petroleum on the Treatment of Environment and Workers

Introduction British Petroleum (BP) was originated in 1866 and is one of the main providers of oil and gasoline in the world, and the single largest in North America. The company functions in 28 countries worldwide, refining an average 2,352 barrels of oil per day. During the years, BP has had major occurrences in which their workers have been hurt or even not survived, triggering tremendous damage to the environment too. Primarily accidents started to happen during March 2005, when Texas City refinery experienced a chain of explosions slaying 15 and injuring 170 individuals. Another happening occurred during 2010 in form of an oil spill as some parts that the company was using on the oil rig, failed. The spill took 87 days, releasing 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This leak had a huge effect on the area’s wildlife. Numerous animals killed and their homes ruined. According to the individualistic business theory which highlighted that a company’s only obligation is to generate revenue. And for that it can do whatever it takes to make an income, keeping themselves within the legal restrictions. For this case, BP claimed that there is nothing unethical as the mishap was due to mechanical failure. A specific part, failed to use the reservoir which contain hydrocarbons and it eventually led to the explosions. If the workers knew the situation and did not respond to fix it, it would be considered unethical behavior. But since they had noShow MoreRelatedThe Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico1155 Words   |  5 PagesDeep-water Horizon operated under British petroleum failed in its operation sinking below the seawater of the Gulf of Mexico on the 20th of April 2010. More than 11 workers lost their lives. After this incident, tons and tons of oil gushed from the main opening of the well, buried 1600 meters below the sea level. 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